New V-App Pricelist
Website Update! Hello Everybody! We are so happy to announce that new V-App price list is now available online, so acquiring new pro tools, capable of improving the Cisco Meraki experience is even more easy. Plus, see the cards in blue with the string “Enterprise” on...
New APP! Easy Guest Wi-Fi
Scan and connect in a snap When customers and guests visit you, they expect to easily connect to Wi-Fi for surfing on their smartphones, reading emails, making video calls or using social networks. However, finding the right SSID to connect or handle with complicated...
Opened in Milan the Cisco Cyber Security Co-Innovation Center
We are particularly proud of being involved in this important project, well described here in this beautiful article by Nicoletta Pisanu for the italian review Innovation Post. 24 Gennaio 2020 | Nicoletta Pisanu Al Museo della scienza e della tecnologia di...
Cisco Co-innovation Center
Inspiring the future On January 24th in Milan took place the inauguration of the Cisco Cyber Security Co-innovation Center, at the presence of Mr Fiorenzo Galli, Director of the Museum of Science and Technology, some high personalities of the Italian State like the...